Spring Boot 3 Implementation
Spring Boot 3 Implementation
Simple implementation with core technology
Spring Boot 3 is out and I wanted to implement some core technology as a blue print for future projects.
Spring Boot 3 with...
The following technology is implemented and tested in this project:
- Open API with path and components
- Controller implementing generated Open API interfaces
- Maven project
- Autowired
- Service
- Component, for utils
- WebSocket, configuration and handler
- Properties, using YAML file
- JUnit 5
- Mockito
- Lombok
- Static web files
- JavaScript for WebRTC client (from Baeldung blog)
- Simple HTML form with JavaScript listeners
- Auth0 4.4 JWT access and Id token
- Secure WebSocket
GitHub Repository
You can find my repository at https://www.github.com/AIMMOTH/spring-boot-3
Carl 2023
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